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"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"   - Lao Tzu

Why Self-Survival?


"Self-Survival" originated in response to requests from the community after a brutal murder of a young lady on a local bike trail. I had taught self-defense classes in the past but realized that self-defense would NOT have saved that young woman’s life! So, I devoted many hours to assemble the information that would have offered the young lady an opportunity to survive the asocial encounter that took her life. I decided to name it “Self-Survival” and offer it in a program named “Self-Survival Seminar for Adult Men and Women.” 

What are Principles?

I like to use the metaphor of swimming when attempting to describe learning the principles of "self- survival." Swimming is also a survival skill. Some believe that you don’t need to learn the survival skill of swimming. Why waste your time? Stay away from the water and you avoid any problems. There is some truth to that way of thinking but you will always have a fear of water, and will probably not survive an actual drowning experience. There are some that believe in the “sink or swim” style of learning where you are thrown in the water and either learn how to swim or you do not. It will sometimes work but it should not be the preferred method, and there is still the fear of water and lack of the principles needed to swim.

Then, there are some that believe the preferred method is to learn the principles needed to swim. This is done by learning from an experienced teacher. After the teacher provides an explanation and demonstration of the principles, you need to get wet in the shallow end of the pool and practice the principles in a safe and controlled environment. Just talking or reading about it will not work! You need to experience the principles in a safe and controlled environment under the guidance of an experienced teacher!

The “Self-Survival Seminar” provides the explanation and demonstration of the martial art principles of self-survival. The "Post Seminar Group Training" offers you the opportunity to experience using the principles in a safe, and controlled environment under the supervision of Grandmaster Glenn Miller!

Now, back to the metaphor. After you are comfortable in the shallow end of the pool, you might venture into the deep end but the principles do not change! The only thing that changes is the depth of the pool and your mental reality of not being able to stand on the bottom if needed. Swimming is swimming no matter the depth of the water or the water conditions. The teacher should not attempt to drown you in an effort to prove your ability to swim and you should not test your swimming ability either. You just know from your training that you will have the ability to swim if needed. You should have a healthy respect for the water, but not fear. Knowledge and experience help to remove fear!

Learning the martial art principles needed to survive a physical life or death encounter is similar to learning how to swim. They are both life saving skills that are learned and used in the same manner if needed. I look forward to sharing with you the martial art principles needed to survive a physical life or death encounter. The seminar contains a lecture with videos and pictures of real altercations and actual demonstrations to convey the martial art principles needed to survive a life or death encounter.

You will also learn the "one thing" that is necessary to change any physical life or death encounter instantly in your favor!

Self-Survival Seminars

 "Self-Survival Seminar" on-site Leonardtown location. "Self-Survival Seminar" on-site Leonardtown location.


"Self-Survival Seminar" off-site Virgina location."Self-Survival Seminar" off-site Virgina location.

I offer these seminars in an effort to provide the opportunity, for women and professionals in the community, to learn the basic martial art  principles needed to survive a life or death encounter. It is my hope that this information will provide men and women with a different mindset and skill set, than they currently use or believe they will use, in a life or death encounter.


This experience should be different than any other "self defense" seminar you might have attended in the past.


Why, you ask?


First, you will learn the difference between "self-defense" and "self-survival." Many people do not realize there is a difference until it is too late!

Then, you will learn the mindset, knowledge, and awareness needed to possible avoid asocial criminal violence.

Finally, you will learn the difference between weapons and tools, and the martial art principles needed to provide you the opportunity to survive asocial criminal violence.